Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I love my TOMS!

Hey, guys!

I love TOMS, and I had to toss my favorite pair today (in my defense, I've had it for a long time and I use that pair almost everyday). Nevertheless, I am so super sad. :(

To cheer myself up, I went online and I visited I asked my Mom if maybe she can get me a new pair. And she said yes, yay!

I don't know if I should go for

another Classic pair or

a glitter pair or perhaps get

vegan shoes.

Hmmmm... decisions decisions...

What do you think? 

Love, Belle


  1. I think you should go for sparkly ones! They're super pretty. I would love one in pink. Haha.


  2. Hi Carrie! I think I will, I really like the sparkly ones. I am kinda partial to the purple one though. ;)

  3. Oh gosh, it's so hard to choose! I love TOMS as well. Maybe this time go for a vegan one. TOMS have a lot of cute vegan selections. :D

    Lots of love, B
    Tweet me: Viva_La_Breee
    Please support Give Jewelry!

  4. Yup it really is super hard to choose! I am also really liking the idea of vegan shoes, still need to decide...;)
