Tuesday, April 3, 2012

It's April, whaaaaat???

Hey, guys!

I cannot believe that it is now April, that's crazy talk to me!;)

Anywhoo, transitioning from spring break to back to school is really difficult. I can't believe we only got one week of break. But that's okay, I'm heading back home right after school on Thursday though, gotta observe Good Friday with the fam, and then of course, Easter.:)

I miss being a lazy bum!

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It's not a bad thing, sometimes we need lazy days, lol!

I am craving tacos at the moment, I think I'm gonna have to grab some for dinner tonight!

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Ah, delicious!

What have you guys been up to?
How's your week going?

Love, Belle


  1. This looks yummy! I just had a salad myself:X

  2. Hi Laura! A salad sounds great!;)

  3. the last snack looks tasty!
    i agree this year has just zoomed!! soo crazy

  4. I seriously wish SB is longer than a week, but anyways that's life! I love tacos too, the veggie kind that is haha. :)

    P.S. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Lots of love, B
    Tweet me: Viva_La_Breee
    Fox House Giveaway

  5. fashion inspirations: I agree, it's just crazy!!!

    Couture Carrie: Thanks!

    Bree: I know, seriously! And I like veggie tacos too!
